Here It Comes!
Wallpaper for iPhone 12 Pro Max and 12 mini, showing the Lock Screen lock icon in various shapes. Replaced it with a regular size for the iPhone 12/12Pro as well, but also added some rework.
iOS 14.1– 17 sets each
➡︎ 12 Pro Max
➡︎ 12/12 Pro
➡︎ 12 mini
12/12 Pro用の今回の手直しは普通に目で見ても分からない程度です。ことのついでに細かい所をブラッシュアップしました。
This tweak for the 12/12 Pro is normally not even visible to the eye. In the meantime, I brushed up on some details.
For other models (existing), here.
iOS 13.2–
➡︎ 11 Pro Max/XS Max
➡︎ 11 Pro/XS/X
➡︎ 11/XR