Prepare for updates (13.4)
間違えていました。変更されたのはおそらくiOS 13.2です。
March 7 postscript
I was wrong. Probably it was changed in iOS 13.2.
I made some wallpaper entrances for Reduce Transparency on both current and obsolete pages. Ready for iOS 13.4. It is provisionally noted until iOS 13.3.
正式版でどうなるかはもちろんまだわかりません。iOS 13ベータはこれまでも変更の変更が重なっています。特に「透明度を下げる」については何度も変更されていますが結局変わっていませんでした。
It's still in beta, but there are very slight changes in some colors. The trick to making Dock and folders invisible doesn't work with the slightest difference.
I don't know yet what will happen in the official version. iOS 13 beta has changed many times. In particular, Reduce Transparency has changed many times, but it hasn't changed.
Anyway, it's released so quickly that I need to get ready early. No matter how it changes or not, I can respond immediately.
Yesterday I was not sure when it changed and the page was a bit confusing.