About This Site
➜ English
- すべての壁紙は無料です。不思議なiPhone壁紙は広告収入で運営されています。
- すべての壁紙はオリジナルです。よそ様の素材が重要な役割を果たす場合は出典不要でもページ内で明示しています。買った素材はその限りではありません。ほとんどの作品はゼロから作っています。
- すべての壁紙は安全です。iPhoneのルールを破っているように見えても一つも破っていません。OSの不正な改造はもちろん、構成プロファイルのインストールさえ必要ないただの画像です。
1. 表示
- 原則:私の作品を引用する場合、加工を加えてアレンジしたものを公開する場合はクレジットの表示と可能ならこのサイトへのリンク、またはSNSアカウントへのリプライが必要です。クレジット例:Nakatani Hideaki @heyeased または Mysterious iPhone Wallpaper など、私またはこのサイトが特定できる形なら何でも。
- 例外:もちろん許可を得ての使用も大歓迎です。使用後の連絡でも構いません。内容によってはサイトに掲載またはSNSでシェアさせていただきたいと思います。
- 原則:無断使用は非営利に限ります。ただどこからが商用かの線引きは判例も曖昧らしく、私の作品の使用についてはブログやウェブサイトでの広告やアフィリエイトの使用等は非営利と判断します。
- 例外:例えばアプリやケースなどでの素材使用に際しては事前に許可をお願いします。基本的には①の条件を守っていただけたら無料でお使いいただき、なおかつサイトにも掲載するつもりです。
- 原則:それらは同じCC BY-NC-SA 4.0ライセンスで提供される必要があります(©︎ではなく)。
- 例外:ただし②の例外のように私の同意を得た場合はその限りではありません。
それまでもどんな壁紙にも満足できなかったが、iOS 7でいよいよ我慢できなくなって自分で作る。特定のクリーム色でドックとフォルダが見えなくなることに気づいてその色をFlickrに公開。直後@iOSCalendarさんのドックが消える壁紙を発見。条件を聞いて共通の原理を理解。そこでドックとフォルダを全面真っ白な壁紙で隠すためのアイデアを同氏に提供。オリジナルはFlickrで公開。これをきっかけに本格的に壁紙制作を始める。最初はiPhoneアプリArtStudioだけで制作。徐々にMacでSketchを使うように。
Wixにて壁紙サイト『Heyeased Works』を開設。
ブログをWixから独立させてBloggerにて『Heyeased Works Blog』を開始。
『Wonder iPhone Wallpapers』としていた英語名を『Mysterious iPhone Wallpaper』に変更。YouTuber @VBarraquito(Jose Rodriguez氏)や米BGRのZach Epstein氏らによってフォルダが丸くなる壁紙が紹介されて世界中から人が来るようになり、不思議なiPhone壁紙を機械翻訳したMysterious iPhone Wallpaperという認識が広まってしまったのを見て合わせる。
サイト名を『Mysterious iPhone Wallpaper』に、トップページのページタイトルを『不思議なiPhone壁紙』に変更(日本語名と英語名の入れ替え)。国外からのアクセスが多くなってきたためわかりやすいように。
iOS 11.3より「アップデート速報」もフィード形式に変更。
iOS 14.1.1以降、壁紙関係の変更があった時だけアップデート速報を更新(変更がなかったという報告の省略)。
iOS 16.0以降、壁紙の設定方法が頻繁に大幅変更されても解説しやすいように、ヘルプページをアップデート速報に統合。「アプデと設定方法」に。
それまでもどんな壁紙にも満足できなかったが、iOS 7でいよいよ我慢できなくなって自分で作る。特定のクリーム色でドックとフォルダが見えなくなることに気づいてその色をFlickrに公開。直後@iOSCalendarさんのドックが消える壁紙を発見。条件を聞いて共通の原理を理解。そこでドックとフォルダを全面真っ白な壁紙で隠すためのアイデアを同氏に提供。オリジナルはFlickrで公開。これをきっかけに本格的に壁紙制作を始める。最初はiPhoneアプリArtStudioだけで制作。徐々にMacでSketchを使うように。
Wixにて壁紙サイト『Heyeased Works』を開設。
ブログをWixから独立させてBloggerにて『Heyeased Works Blog』を開始。
『Wonder iPhone Wallpapers』としていた英語名を『Mysterious iPhone Wallpaper』に変更。YouTuber @VBarraquito(Jose Rodriguez氏)や米BGRのZach Epstein氏らによってフォルダが丸くなる壁紙が紹介されて世界中から人が来るようになり、不思議なiPhone壁紙を機械翻訳したMysterious iPhone Wallpaperという認識が広まってしまったのを見て合わせる。
サイト名を『Mysterious iPhone Wallpaper』に、トップページのページタイトルを『不思議なiPhone壁紙』に変更(日本語名と英語名の入れ替え)。国外からのアクセスが多くなってきたためわかりやすいように。
iOS 11.3より「アップデート速報」もフィード形式に変更。
iOS 14.1.1以降、壁紙関係の変更があった時だけアップデート速報を更新(変更がなかったという報告の省略)。
iOS 16.0以降、壁紙の設定方法が頻繁に大幅変更されても解説しやすいように、ヘルプページをアップデート速報に統合。「アプデと設定方法」に。
iPhone wallpaper rules are more complex than they appear and often change with updates. Above all, they are always unofficial. This site deciphers these mysteries to create magical wallpapers using nothing but color and form.
All Wallpapers Are
- All wallpapers are free. Mysterious iPhone Wallpaper is funded by advertising revenue.
- All wallpapers are original. If material from other sources plays an important role, it is clearly indicated on the page, even if the source is not required. This does not apply to purchased materials. Most of my work is made from scratch.
- All wallpapers are safe. They may look like they break iPhone rules, but they don't break a single one: they are just images that don't require any unauthorized modification of the OS or even the installation of a configuration profile.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
My work can be quoted or modified and published without permission if the following conditions are met.
1. Attribution
- Principle : If you wish to cite my work or publish a processed and arranged version of it, you must give credit and, if possible, a link to this site or reply to my social networking accounts. Credit e.g. Nakatani Hideaki @heyeased or Mysterious iPhone Wallpaper, or anything else that identifies me or this site.
- Exception : Of course, you are welcome to use it with our permission. Or you can contact me after use. Depending on the content, I would be happy to post it on my website or share it on social networking sites.
- Principle : It is limited to non-profit. However, what is non-profit? Law cases also seem ambiguous. With respect to advertising and affiliate marketing on blogs and websites, use of my work is considered non-commercial.
- Exception : For example, I ask for prior permission when using materials in apps, cases, etc. Basically, if you comply with the conditions in (1) above, you can use the materials free of charge and I will still post them on my website.
- Principle : They must be provided with the same CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license (not ©︎) .
- Exception : However, this does not apply to cases where my consent is obtained, as in exception in (2).
This license does not constitute a waiver of copyright, but rather defines the extent to which third parties are free to use the copyrighted material.
If I publish something under a Creative Commons license, I cannot change the license later. As long as you comply with this license, you do not have to worry about any future claims of copyright infringement from me.
This is only the "conditions of free use for everyone", so individual agreements with me are not bound by this license unless they infringe on the rights of third parties (such as the right to use a work that has already been published under the CC license).
Incidentally, there are several other types of CC licenses.
This license does not constitute a waiver of copyright, but rather defines the extent to which third parties are free to use the copyrighted material.
If I publish something under a Creative Commons license, I cannot change the license later. As long as you comply with this license, you do not have to worry about any future claims of copyright infringement from me.
This is only the "conditions of free use for everyone", so individual agreements with me are not bound by this license unless they infringe on the rights of third parties (such as the right to use a work that has already been published under the CC license).
Incidentally, there are several other types of CC licenses.
Ideas That Are Not Copyrighted Works
If you want to create wallpapers arranging my trick ideas (In the case of image data of this site is not used at all.), it is free. I would be happy if you introduce this site. Please let me know and I will post it on the site or share it on social networking sites.
However, if there is any illegality, such as infringement of a third party's copyright, or if there is a risk of offending public order and morals, it cannot be posted.
If you want to create wallpapers arranging my trick ideas (In the case of image data of this site is not used at all.), it is free. I would be happy if you introduce this site. Please let me know and I will post it on the site or share it on social networking sites.
However, if there is any illegality, such as infringement of a third party's copyright, or if there is a risk of offending public order and morals, it cannot be posted.
Contact me for enquiries, collaboration requests and wallpaper requests.
I may not be able to respond to many wallpaper requests, but I may use your request as a reference for future productions.
I may not be able to respond to many wallpaper requests, but I may use your request as a reference for future productions.
*About requests to use characters, logos and Images of others, I will not infringe the copyright and trademark rights of others.
August 2011
Started sharing photos on Flickr at @heyeased.
December 2013
Although I’d never been satisfied with any wallpaper, I finally reached my limit with iOS 7 and decided to create my own. I discovered a specific cream color that made the Dock and folders invisible, so I shared it on Flickr. Shortly after, I found @iOSCalendar’s “vanishing Dock” wallpaper. After discussing the requirements, we realized we had hit upon the same principle. I then shared my idea with him to create an entirely white wallpaper that hid both the Dock and folders. I posted the original on Flickr, which marked the beginning of my serious journey into wallpaper design. At first, I created designs solely on the iPhone app ArtStudio but gradually transitioned to using Sketch on a Mac.
April 2014
Launched wallpaper site “Heyeased Works” on Wix.
May 2014
Separated from Wix and launched “Heyeased Works Blog” on Blogger.
January 2015
Moved the wallpaper site to Jimdo. I was inspired by the phrase “mysterious wallpaper” used by “楽しくiPhoneライフ!SBAPP” when they introduced my wallpaper that colors the dock and folders, so I changed the site name to “不思議なiPhone壁紙” and the blog title to “不思議なiPhone壁紙のブログ.”
April 2015
Moved the wallpaper site to the current platform, Weebly.
April 2016
Changed the English name from “Wonder iPhone Wallpapers” to “Mysterious iPhone Wallpaper.” After YouTuber @VBarraquito (Jose Rodriguez) and Zach Epstein from BGR introduced the wallpaper that rounds the folders, attracting visitors from around the world, I observed that the recognition of “Mysterious iPhone Wallpaper,” which is a machine translation of the original term, had spread and decided to align with it.
June 2016
Changed the site name to “Mysterious iPhone Wallpaper” and the title of the homepage to “不思議なiPhone壁紙” (the Japanese name and English name were swapped) for better clarity, as access from abroad has been increasing.
January 2017
On January 9th, the “New” section was changed to a feed format, and explanations of the tricks were consolidated from the blog to this site.
March 2018
Starting with iOS 11.3, the “Update Report” section was also changed to a feed format.
June 2018
Since iOS 14.1.1, the update reports have been updated only when there are changes related to wallpapers, omitting reports when there were no changes.
September 2022
Since iOS 16.0, the help page has been integrated into the update reports under “Updates & Help” to make it easier to explain the frequently significant changes in wallpaper settings.
May 2024
Updated the “Copyright” section. Added details to make the Creative Commons license more understandable for those who are not familiar with it.
July 2024
Created a new “Photo” page in a feed format.
Started sharing photos on Flickr at @heyeased.
December 2013
Although I’d never been satisfied with any wallpaper, I finally reached my limit with iOS 7 and decided to create my own. I discovered a specific cream color that made the Dock and folders invisible, so I shared it on Flickr. Shortly after, I found @iOSCalendar’s “vanishing Dock” wallpaper. After discussing the requirements, we realized we had hit upon the same principle. I then shared my idea with him to create an entirely white wallpaper that hid both the Dock and folders. I posted the original on Flickr, which marked the beginning of my serious journey into wallpaper design. At first, I created designs solely on the iPhone app ArtStudio but gradually transitioned to using Sketch on a Mac.
April 2014
Launched wallpaper site “Heyeased Works” on Wix.
May 2014
Separated from Wix and launched “Heyeased Works Blog” on Blogger.
January 2015
Moved the wallpaper site to Jimdo. I was inspired by the phrase “mysterious wallpaper” used by “楽しくiPhoneライフ!SBAPP” when they introduced my wallpaper that colors the dock and folders, so I changed the site name to “不思議なiPhone壁紙” and the blog title to “不思議なiPhone壁紙のブログ.”
April 2015
Moved the wallpaper site to the current platform, Weebly.
April 2016
Changed the English name from “Wonder iPhone Wallpapers” to “Mysterious iPhone Wallpaper.” After YouTuber @VBarraquito (Jose Rodriguez) and Zach Epstein from BGR introduced the wallpaper that rounds the folders, attracting visitors from around the world, I observed that the recognition of “Mysterious iPhone Wallpaper,” which is a machine translation of the original term, had spread and decided to align with it.
June 2016
Changed the site name to “Mysterious iPhone Wallpaper” and the title of the homepage to “不思議なiPhone壁紙” (the Japanese name and English name were swapped) for better clarity, as access from abroad has been increasing.
January 2017
On January 9th, the “New” section was changed to a feed format, and explanations of the tricks were consolidated from the blog to this site.
March 2018
Starting with iOS 11.3, the “Update Report” section was also changed to a feed format.
June 2018
Since iOS 14.1.1, the update reports have been updated only when there are changes related to wallpapers, omitting reports when there were no changes.
September 2022
Since iOS 16.0, the help page has been integrated into the update reports under “Updates & Help” to make it easier to explain the frequently significant changes in wallpaper settings.
May 2024
Updated the “Copyright” section. Added details to make the Creative Commons license more understandable for those who are not familiar with it.
July 2024
Created a new “Photo” page in a feed format.