iPhone 13シリーズを縁取る壁紙
Wallpaper Framing the iPhone 13 Series
Here it is, the wallpaper that frames the screen of the iPhone 13 series. Again, the notch is traced perfectly.

Color variations have also been revamped. The colors have been adjusted to match the new iPhone.

次は設計図の壁紙ですが、iOS 15用に全機種用をアップデートするつもりなので少し時間かかりそうです。iOS 14より通知カードが狭くなっています。ホーム画面用もアレンジして、カラーも刷新しようかと思います。13シリーズはノッチ以外12シリーズと全く同じなのでそのまま転用できますが、実は同じすぎてデザイン的にどうしようと思う所が……(続く)
The colors of the iPhone body are getting paler and more luxurious. Red is back to being a little more magenta and seems to be very well received.
The next step is to update the blueprint wallpapers, but it will take some time because I plan to update all of them for iOS 15. The notification card is narrower than iOS 14. I'm thinking of rearranging it for the home screen as well, and renewing the colors. The 13 series is exactly the same as the 12 series except for the notch, so it can be converted as it is, but actually it's too much the same, so I'm not sure what to do with the design...... To be continued.