(In the iPhone before X, the lock is too small and unlocking is too fast so there is an impossibility.)


iPhone X専用カテゴリーを新設しました。ロック画面の鍵アイコンをカスタマイズします。
New category for iPhone X. Customize the lock icon of Lock Screen.
(In the iPhone before X, the lock is too small and unlocking is too fast so there is an impossibility.)
First, wallpapers to change the shape of the Lock Screen lock icon. I also made a shadow of the opened lock for Home Screen.
And the light across at the moment of awakening somewhat smart lock-like wallpapers. It is the diversion of Still Live Wallpapers. For Home Screen, there are wallpapers that surround the page dots feel like smart.
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Icon badges are inconspicuous.
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この壁紙はバッジと完全な同色の背景で輪郭を隠します。見えるのはアイコンのへこみと数字だけ。単純なようで実はバッジの色で壁紙を作るだけではできないトリックでした。 残念なのはホーム画面全体がどぎつくなることです。
I don't like iOS badges. The color is sticking and it is an eyesore. Well, I think that it is doing it like that. This wallpaper hides its outline with a background of exact same color as the badge. You can only see the icon's dents and numbers. It seemed simple, but it was a trick that cannot be done simply by making wallpaper by the color of the badge.
It's regrettable that the entire screen gets stuck. |
2月 2025