Dock to Phone
This wallpaper makes the full-screen iPhone Dock into retro phone. And the iPhone is a phone.
Backgrounds are retro colors, 7 each for Light Mode and Dark Mode.
iOS 14–15/16– iOS 16– 18 sheets
実はMac版GIMP(無料のグラフィックアプリ)のG'MICプラグインが使えなくなっていたんです。macOSのアップデートやApple Siliconの影響のようです。元々はWindows用なので仕方ない。しかしG'MICの代わりはなかなかありません。Photoshopの色んなブラシやFrescoを始めとして色々試しましたが、いずれも代用というわけにはいかないんですよね。
Windowsを買った方が早いかもしれないけどG'MICはグラフィック性能が高くないと辛いです。Windowsのスペックはよくわからない。そう思っていたらIntelからCore Ultraが発表されました。これなら15万円ぐらいでG'MICを快適に使えるかも。そう思っていたら見つけてしまいました。
Kritaでよかったんです。KritaはGIMPに似た基本無料の画像編集アプリで、なんとG'MICがデフォルトで入ってるそうじゃないですか。しかもMac App Storeでも2000円(2024年1月現在)で買える安価で安心アプリです。こんなに近くにいたのかよーG'MIC〜。
Krita Is the Way to Go
It's been a while since I created a background with G'MIC, a plugin with over 500 image editing filters, and I used to combine two or three different filters to create a background. I can only do half of what I want, and I like to get an unexpected picture.
Actually, the G'MIC plugin for the Mac version of GIMP (free graphic app) is no longer available. Probably due to macOS updates and Apple Silicon. It is unavoidable because it was originally for Windows. However, it is hard to find a replacement for G'MIC. I have tried various Photoshop brushes, Fresco and others, but none of them can be substituted.
It might be faster to buy Windows, but G'MIC has a hard time without high graphic performance, and I'm not sure about Windows specs. When I was thinking so, Intel announced Core Ultra. This might allow me to use G'MIC comfortably at a reasonable price. I found that one when I was thinking so.
I was fine with Krita. It is basic free image editing app similar to GIMP, and G'MIC is included by default. And it's a reasonably priced and reliable app that is also sold in the Mac App Store. I didn't know it was this close, my beloved G'MIC!