White Wallpapers History
ドックとフォルダの全部を見えなくした白い壁紙の歴代バージョンを公開時のOS別、公開順にまとめました。サイト開設前に作っていたiOS 7.0時代の壁紙は当時のFlickrから転載。OS対応以外で細かくバージョンを重ねた壁紙は最終型のみを残しています。
I put together the former versions of the white wallpapers that made Dock and all folders invisible in the order they were published. The wallpaper of the iOS 7.0 era that I had made before opening the site was reprinted from Flickr of the time. Wallpaper finely versions other than OS compliant leaves only the final type.
Untested iOS 8/8.3 or later
Untested iOS 8/8.3 or later
フォルダ名用 空白文字
For folder name, copy the empty letter.
You can make the white blank icon
to put on Dock and folders.
(R255 G254 B255 / –iOS 10.3)
Add this page to Home Screen.
A pure white icon is on the latest page.
From iOS 8.3 onwards,
completely white wallpaper is possible!
▷ OS 8.3–9.3
iOS 8.3以降では
completely white wallpaper is possible!
▷ OS 8.3–9.3
iOS 8.3以降では
iOS 7.0
白くはありませんがドックとフォルダ全部を見えなくした最初(iOS 7から9日後)の壁紙。iPhone用が管理人の処女作です。後からiPad用も作りました。
Although it is not white, it is the wallpaper of the first (9 days after iOS 7 release) that made Dock and all folders invisible. For iPhone is my first work. I made it for the iPad afterwards.
iPhone 5/5s/5c/4/4s/iPad
2 sheets
2 sheets
当サイト開設以前、ドックが見えなくなるとある壁紙をヒントに、真っ白な壁紙のための隠れた黒帯のアイデアを、そのとあるサイトに提供する際に作ったもの。ドックを明るくするための明度を下げる部分を、逆にドックの裏に隠してドックとフォルダ全部を白くした最初(iOS 7から約3か月後)の壁紙。
Before the start of this site, I got a hint from the wallpaper that made Dock invisible, I came up with a hidden black belt idea for a pure white wallpaper. As I made it, I offered an idea to that site. These are the first white wallpapers (about 3 months after iOS 7 release) which made Dock and the whole folder whiten, hiding the part that lowers the brightness to lighten the Dock behind Dock.
iPhone 5/5s/5c
6 sheets
6 sheets
ドックとフォルダ全部を見えなくするiPad用壁紙(iOS 7から約3か月半後)。当時は縦でも横でも死角になっていた四隅を利用。iOS 7.0では完全な白でした。
Wallpaper for iPad to make all Dock and all folders invisible (about 3 and a half months after iOS 7). At that time, I used the four corners that had become blind spots both in vertical and horizontal position. It was perfectly white in iOS 7.0.
iPad/iPad mini
1 sheets
1 sheets
最初の白い壁紙のアイデアを発展させたもの(iOS 7から約4か月後)。最初の白い壁紙の設定条件から視差効果表示範囲外の概念を把握。ドックの影を薄くしたバージョンと最上段フォルダ以外は真っ白なバージョン。
I improved the idea of the first white wallpaper (after about 4 months after iOS 7). Depending on the setting condition of the first white wallpaper, I understood "outside the display range" of the parallax effect. There were 2 versions. Though Dock's shadow is thinner, Dock is white but the shadow is on the top of the top folders.
iPhone 5/5s/5c
2 sheets
2 sheets
iOS 7.1
iOS 7.1に合わせて(※ iOS 7.1から4日〜1週間後)ドックとフォルダを強引に見えなくしたグレー系の壁紙です。暗くなった後の色を見越すのに苦労しました。
These are grayish wallpapers that disappeared Dock and folders according to iOS 7.1 (4 days to 1 week after iOS 7.1 release). I had difficulty in anticipating the color darkened.
iPhone 5/5s/5c
4 sheets
4 sheets
iOS 7.1の暗くなる画面にネーミングで対抗(※ iOS 7.1から10日後)。白い壁紙でもドックとフォルダを白っぽくするという触れ込みでした。下のサンプルは差し色入りです。
Counter against the darkening screen of iOS 7.1 by naming (10 days after iOS 7.1 release). The white wallpaper made Dock and folders whitish. The above samples are colored type.
iPhone 5/5s/5c
10 sheets
10 sheets
旧 白い棚壁紙
Shelf wallpapers to make Dock and folders whitish. Since folders are visible anyway, I drew sharp dividers without concern for color interference.
iPhone 5/5s/5c
24 sheets
24 sheets
These were wallpapers for Lock Screen that made to match the White Shelf wallpaper. With guidelines visualizing the real range that responds to the Camera launch (which made the play as the wallpaper moves due to the parallax effect).
iPhone 5/5s/5c
8 sheets
8 sheets
iOS 8.0–8.2
iOS 8で復活した全面が白い壁紙ですがiOS 7.0よりも滲みが強くなっています。とりあえず分割タイプを作り直したものの本当に復活したとまでは思えませんでした。
These are white wallpapers revived on iOS 8 but color blurring is stronger than iOS 7.0. I tried to rebuild the split type, but I didn't think that it really revived.
iPhone 5/5s/5c
10 sheets
10 sheets
白の壁紙 バージョン5
iPhone 6/6 Plusの画面サイズに対応。フォルダの置き方や好みを考えた3種類。少しずつ改良を加えていきました。最後となったバージョン5のみを収めています。
It corresponds to the screen size of iPhone 6/6 Plus. 3 kinds you could choose from as you like. I made improvements little by little. Only version 5 which became the last is contained.
iPhone 6/6 Plus/5/5s/5c
3 sheets
3 sheets
白壁紙 iPad用
The wallpaper of the whole surface is white for iPad. Because the margin became wider than iOS 7.0, it was white with rough band thickness. However, I made up to version 4. The text color was still deep.
iPad/iPad mini
1 sheets
1 sheets
白の壁紙 iPhone用統合版
Instead of lightness judgment, I used saturation judgment. I tried to make the belt yellow and difficult to see blurred color. I abolished the three types of white wallpaper and made it into one sheet. Character tends to be yellow and disadvantage is noticeable when the band protrudes. I added ivory later.
iPhone 6/6 Plus/5/5s/5c
2 sheets
2 sheets