動力の壁紙 2 Max
Power 2 Max
Move iPhone, power reacts.
And Dock is invisible on Home Screen.
✳︎These wallpapers blink.
Move iPhone, power reacts.
And Dock is invisible on Home Screen.
✳︎These wallpapers blink.

6.5″ Wallpaper
6.5″ Wallpaper
視差効果: オン

視差効果: オン

iOS 13.0/13.1では2度タップ
Perspective Zoom: On

Perspective Zoom: On

Tap twice on iOS 13.0/13.1
Don't move in setting.
It doesn't work on Low Power Mode.
The motion may not be noticeable outdoors.
It doesn't work on Low Power Mode.
The motion may not be noticeable outdoors.
Dark Side

For Dark Mode
Dark Appearance Dims Wallpaper: Off
Reduce Transparency: Off
For Dark Mode
Dark Appearance Dims Wallpaper: Off
Reduce Transparency: Off
Light Side

iOS 13のドックには明るさの上限と下限があります。ダークモードでは背景より暗く、ライトモードでは背景より明るくなるのがスタンダードですが、ドックの限界よりも背景が暗く、または明るくなれば関係は逆転します。そのちょうど境界ではドックと背景が同じ色になって見えなくなるというわけです。
iOS 13のドックには明るさの上限と下限があります。ダークモードでは背景より暗く、ライトモードでは背景より明るくなるのがスタンダードですが、ドックの限界よりも背景が暗く、または明るくなれば関係は逆転します。そのちょうど境界ではドックと背景が同じ色になって見えなくなるというわけです。
Flashing light
Elements that display the three primary colors of light are regularly arranged in OLEDs and LEDs. When a pattern with a period near the resolution limit is displayed and moved, the displayed part and the non-displayed part are alternately switched and the screen flashes unevenly.
Static Dynamic Wallpapers uses the pattern and iPhone's Perspective Zoom to blink the screen. Power has a pattern in the reactor part.
If the pattern cycle is not correct, the effect will be lost. Wallpapers on this page are for iPhone with 6.5 inch screen.
Hide Dock
iOS 13 Dock has an upper and lower brightness limits. In Dark Mode it is darker than the background and in Light Mode it is brighter than the background, but the relative brightness are reversed if the background is darker or brighter than the Dock limit. Just at the border, Dock and the background are the same color and cannot be seen.
Naturally, there is no boundary between the Dark Mode upper limit and the Light Mode lower limit because there is no reversal of brightness.
Parallax Effect sometimes freezes at some reasons. It will be repaired by open and close an app or unlock the iPhone once locked.
Elements that display the three primary colors of light are regularly arranged in OLEDs and LEDs. When a pattern with a period near the resolution limit is displayed and moved, the displayed part and the non-displayed part are alternately switched and the screen flashes unevenly.
Static Dynamic Wallpapers uses the pattern and iPhone's Perspective Zoom to blink the screen. Power has a pattern in the reactor part.
If the pattern cycle is not correct, the effect will be lost. Wallpapers on this page are for iPhone with 6.5 inch screen.
Hide Dock
iOS 13 Dock has an upper and lower brightness limits. In Dark Mode it is darker than the background and in Light Mode it is brighter than the background, but the relative brightness are reversed if the background is darker or brighter than the Dock limit. Just at the border, Dock and the background are the same color and cannot be seen.
Naturally, there is no boundary between the Dark Mode upper limit and the Light Mode lower limit because there is no reversal of brightness.
Parallax Effect sometimes freezes at some reasons. It will be repaired by open and close an app or unlock the iPhone once locked.