iPhone XS/Xの画面を縁どる壁紙にジェスチャーアイコンを加えました
(サイレントスイッチとボリューム操作はオリジナルiPhone以来変わらずシンプルなので省略しています。iPhone XS Max用も作る予定なのでしばらくお待ちください。iPhone XSにも適合します)
Gesture icons added to wallpaper framing screen of iPhone XS/X
There is an explanation below the download page. It is not difficult if you can see where you can operate. Once read and set, you are already an X series master. 29 sets for Home Screen and Lock screen.
(Silent switch and volume operation are omitted since it is simple since it was the original iPhone, so I have skipped it. I have a plan to make iPhone XS Max. Please wait for a while. It also fits iPhone XS..)