A Fresh Nostalgia for You
It is the wallpaper that frames the full-screen iPhone screen in a soft, three-dimensional way.
22 different color backgrounds are available.
iOS 13.2– 22 sheets each
▶︎ iPhone 11 Pro Max/XS Max
▶︎ iPhone 11 Pro/XS/X
▶︎ iPhone 11/XR
昨年末に登場したニューモーフィズムというデザイン手法を使いました。新しいスキューモーフィズム (現実を模したデザイン)という意味の造語で、立体的でありつつシンプルでミニマルな印象に。
App Storeで「neumorphism」と検索するとニューモーフィズムUIのアプリがいくつか見つかります。要素が多くなると解りにくくなりそうな気がしますが、フラットデザイン、マテリアルデザインと並んで定番UIの一つになるかも? スキューモーフィズム全盛期にはソフトなUIも見かけたので、新鮮でありながらどこか懐かしい雰囲気があります。
I used a design technique called neumorphism, which emerged late last year. It was coined to mean a new skeuomorphism (design that mimics reality), which has a three-dimensional yet simple and minimalistic look.
If you search for "neumorphism" in App Store, you can find several neuomorphism UI apps (It may depend on the country). The more elements there are, the harder it is going to be to figure out, in my opinion. But it could be one of the standard UI's along with flat design and material design? In the heyday of skeuomorphism, we saw some soft UIs, so it has a fresh yet somewhat nostalgic feel to it.