Redesigned Color Dock and Folders
Wallpaper to color the Dock and folders. There are 48 variations.
② iPhone 12 Pro Maxにも対応しました。
③ iOS 14以降の全機種で使えます。
④ ホームボタンの有る無しで設定方法が違います。今までとは逆になります。
⑤ 軽くて高画質なWebPフォーマットのためiOS 13以前では表示されません。
(1) Turn on Reduce Transparency in the Settings. See the download page for details.
(2) iPhone 12 Pro Max is now supported.
(3) It works on all iPhones since iOS 14.
(4) The setting method differs depending on whether you have a home button or not. It will be the opposite of what they were in the past.
(5) Due to its light and high quality WebP format, it will not be displayed on iOS 13 or earlier.
➡︎ ペインター壁紙 3|Painter 3
iOS 14– 48 sheets