Joking Notch
–iOS 15
iPhone 8 Plus/7 Plus/6s Plus/6 Plus
iPhone 8 Plus/7 Plus/6s Plus/6 Plus
Like a full-screen model.
Like a full-screen model.

5.5″ Wallpaper
5.5″ Wallpaper
視差効果: オフ

視差効果: オフ

Perspective Zoom: Off

Perspective Zoom: Off

Tap it in setting
Reduce Motion: Off during setting.
For both Home and Lock Screen
For both Home and Lock Screen
- 設定中に壁紙をスワイプすると、視差効果をオフにする時にポジションが戻ったように見えても実際はずれています。動かしてしまった場合は一度キャンセルして最初からやり直してください。
- 普段「視差効果を減らす」をオンでお使いの方は設定時だけオフにしてください。(設定 > アクセシビリティ > 動作 > 視差効果を減らす)
- ダウンロードに時間がかかった場合、読み込み終了前に画像を保存すると描写が壊れることがあります。読み込みが完了するまで待ってください。
- ランドスケープモードはサポートしていません。
Notes Supplement
- If you swipe the wallpaper in the setting, even if it looks like the position back when turning Off Perspective Zoom, it is actually dislocated. If it has moved, cancel it once and start over.
- If you usually use Reduce Motion On, turn it Off only during setup. (Settings > Accessibility > Motion > Reduce Motion)
- If it takes time to download, the image may be damaged if you save it before loading. Please wait until loading is complete.
- Landscape mode is not supported.
背景は流行り(もはやスタンダード?)のアブストラクトアートと、iMac G3がモチーフのグラデーション、そしてレインボーグラデーションです。グラデーションは派手さを抑えたアレンジで、最新のディスプレイでもクラシカルな雰囲気を醸します。
背景は流行り(もはやスタンダード?)のアブストラクトアートと、iMac G3がモチーフのグラデーション、そしてレインボーグラデーションです。グラデーションは派手さを抑えたアレンジで、最新のディスプレイでもクラシカルな雰囲気を醸します。
It's a simple trick to put a notch-shaped black piece at the top of the screen; on the Home Screen, the time just fits. It is a faithful shape which diverted the data of Border Wallpapers on this site though it is small. There are also parts on the left and right to round the corners with approach R.
The backgrounds are trendy (No longer a standard?) abstract art and the gradation of the iMac G3 motif. And the rainbow gradient. The gradients are arranged in a less ostentatious way to give a classic feel to the latest display.
Wallpapers on this page are for 5.5 inch iPhone.
It's a simple trick to put a notch-shaped black piece at the top of the screen; on the Home Screen, the time just fits. It is a faithful shape which diverted the data of Border Wallpapers on this site though it is small. There are also parts on the left and right to round the corners with approach R.
The backgrounds are trendy (No longer a standard?) abstract art and the gradation of the iMac G3 motif. And the rainbow gradient. The gradients are arranged in a less ostentatious way to give a classic feel to the latest display.
Wallpapers on this page are for 5.5 inch iPhone.
iMac G3 Colors

Source: Wikipedia CC BY-SA 2.0