火の壁紙 X
Fire X
Move iPhone, fire burns.
✳︎These wallpapers blink.
Move iPhone, fire burns.
✳︎These wallpapers blink.
iPhone XS/X
iOS 11–12
iOS 11–12

5.8″ Wallpaper
5.8″ Wallpaper
Set as Perspective.
(Tap Perspective)
Set as Perspective.
(Tap Perspective)
Don't move in setting.
It doesn't work on Low Power Mode.
The motion may not be noticeable outdoors.
It doesn't work on Low Power Mode.
The motion may not be noticeable outdoors.
Tap the thumbnail to download.
スクリーンの解像限界付近の細かい周期的なパターンとパララックスエフェクトの動きが、モアレと呼ばれる干渉縞を作ります。パララックスエフェクトは傾きに合わせて画像に遠近感を付けるよう設計されていて、モアレも方向が変わって曲がります(iOS 13では曲がりません)。視差効果でずれた壁紙は動きが止まるとある程度中心に戻るため、iPhoneを置いても数秒動きます。
このページの壁紙はiPhone X用に最適化したサイズです。その他のiPhoneおよびiPod touchをお使いの方は「火の壁紙」をお使いください。
スクリーンの解像限界付近の細かい周期的なパターンとパララックスエフェクトの動きが、モアレと呼ばれる干渉縞を作ります。パララックスエフェクトは傾きに合わせて画像に遠近感を付けるよう設計されていて、モアレも方向が変わって曲がります(iOS 13では曲がりません)。視差効果でずれた壁紙は動きが止まるとある程度中心に戻るため、iPhoneを置いても数秒動きます。
このページの壁紙はiPhone X用に最適化したサイズです。その他のiPhoneおよびiPod touchをお使いの方は「火の壁紙」をお使いください。
It can even be used on Home Screen, not Live Wallpaper.
Periodic small patterns close to the resolution limit of the OLED and motion of Parallax Effect create interference waves on the screen called moiré. The Parallax effect is designed to give a perspective to the image according to the tilt (Does not give on iOS 13), moire also changes direction and curve. The wallpaper moved with the Parallax Effect returns to the center, somewhat when the movement stops. For that reason it moves for several seconds even if you put the iPhone.
I use a vertical stripe pattern for fire wallpaper. I paint the upper half black and show it like a flame.
Wallpapers on this page are the size optimized for iPhone X. If you are using other iPhone and iPod touch, use "Fire".
Parallax Effect sometimes freezes at some reasons. It will be repaired by open and close an app or unlock the iPhone once locked.
It can even be used on Home Screen, not Live Wallpaper.
Periodic small patterns close to the resolution limit of the OLED and motion of Parallax Effect create interference waves on the screen called moiré. The Parallax effect is designed to give a perspective to the image according to the tilt (Does not give on iOS 13), moire also changes direction and curve. The wallpaper moved with the Parallax Effect returns to the center, somewhat when the movement stops. For that reason it moves for several seconds even if you put the iPhone.
I use a vertical stripe pattern for fire wallpaper. I paint the upper half black and show it like a flame.
Wallpapers on this page are the size optimized for iPhone X. If you are using other iPhone and iPod touch, use "Fire".
Parallax Effect sometimes freezes at some reasons. It will be repaired by open and close an app or unlock the iPhone once locked.