ドックにベゼルの壁紙 X
Dock Bezel X
iPhone X用。
Black bezel is added to Dock.
Color in it matches background.
For iPhone X.
iPhone X用。
Black bezel is added to Dock.
Color in it matches background.
For iPhone X.
iPhone X
iOS 11–11.4
iOS 11–11.4

X Wallpaper
X Wallpaper
Set as Still.
Never tap Perspective.
Don't move in setting.
Keep Off Reduce Motion in setting.
Set as Still.
Never tap Perspective.
Don't move in setting.
Keep Off Reduce Motion in setting.
Tap the thumbnail to load the original.
iOS 11.3以降では
Folders will not be visible on iOS 11.3–.
(Reduce Transparency off.)
Folders will not be visible on iOS 11.3–.
(Reduce Transparency off.)
iOS 11
If Reduce Transparency is on,
folders will not be visible.
If Reduce Transparency is on,
folders will not be visible.
このページの壁紙はiPhone X用です。その他のiPhoneをお使いの方は下のリンクからカテゴリーページに戻って対応する壁紙を選択してください。5.5インチ、4.7インチ、4インチ(5s以降)用が揃っています(ドックの形状が違うためデザインは異なります)。
iPhone Xは画面サイズの壁紙を丁度で表示することはできません。なぜか縦に引き伸ばされます。当サイトでは移動と拡大縮小なしでぴったり合う位置を計算した壁紙を作っています。もしも「視差効果」をタップすると壁紙は移動してしまい、その後「静止画」をタップしても戻りません。壁紙を動かしてしまった時は設定をキャンセルしてやり直しでください。「視差効果を減らす」をオンにしていてもやはり縦に引き伸ばされます。設定時には「視差効果を減らす」はオフにしてください。設定後はオンにできます。
白い背景でドックとフォルダが白くなるのはiOS 11.3以降のiPhone Xだけの機能です。四隅の黒で明るさを落としてグレーになるのを防ぎます。壁紙を固定するには「静止画」で設定しなければなりませんが、他のiPhoneでは静止画設定だと表示されない部分の明るさを測定しません(なぜXだけ測定するのかは不明)。なおロック画面のボタンの色は白くできません。
このページの壁紙はiPhone X用です。その他のiPhoneをお使いの方は下のリンクからカテゴリーページに戻って対応する壁紙を選択してください。5.5インチ、4.7インチ、4インチ(5s以降)用が揃っています(ドックの形状が違うためデザインは異なります)。
iPhone Xは画面サイズの壁紙を丁度で表示することはできません。なぜか縦に引き伸ばされます。当サイトでは移動と拡大縮小なしでぴったり合う位置を計算した壁紙を作っています。もしも「視差効果」をタップすると壁紙は移動してしまい、その後「静止画」をタップしても戻りません。壁紙を動かしてしまった時は設定をキャンセルしてやり直しでください。「視差効果を減らす」をオンにしていてもやはり縦に引き伸ばされます。設定時には「視差効果を減らす」はオフにしてください。設定後はオンにできます。
白い背景でドックとフォルダが白くなるのはiOS 11.3以降のiPhone Xだけの機能です。四隅の黒で明るさを落としてグレーになるのを防ぎます。壁紙を固定するには「静止画」で設定しなければなりませんが、他のiPhoneでは静止画設定だと表示されない部分の明るさを測定しません(なぜXだけ測定するのかは不明)。なおロック画面のボタンの色は白くできません。
The wallpapers on this page are for iPhone X. If you are using other iPhone please back to the category page from the link below and select the corresponding wallpaper. For 5.5 inch, 4.7 inch, 4 inch (for 5s and later) are available (The design is different because the Dock shape is different).
iPhone X can not display screen size wallpaper exactly. Somehow it is stretched vertically. I am making wallpapers with positions calculated to fit perfectly without moving and scaling. If you tap "Perspective", the wallpaper will move, then tap "Still" will not return. If you move the wallpaper, cancel the setting and try again. Even if "Reduce Motion" is on, it will be stretched. Please turn "Reduce Motion" off when setting up. You can turn it on after setting.
Mostly, the iPhone Dock is brighter than the background. Especially when the background is dark, it becomes a vivid color and it is quite visible in the eyes. With this wallpaper, put black and gray behind the dock (a gradation, where the color of the whole Dock becomes even) and save the color. A black frame looks cool. However, if "Reduce Transparency" is on, the Dock will always be light gray.
On the other hand, the buttons on the Lock Screen got very dark on the contrary, so whitish behind.
Dock and folders turn white with a white background is only for iPhone X on iOS 11.3 and later. It prevents them from becoming gray by lowering the brightness with black in the four corners. In order to fix the wallpaper, you have to set it with "Still", but on other iPhones, it does not measure the brightness of the part not displayed if it is still image setting (why only X is measured, unknown). Also the color of buttons of Lock Screen can not be whiter.
The wallpapers on this page are for iPhone X. If you are using other iPhone please back to the category page from the link below and select the corresponding wallpaper. For 5.5 inch, 4.7 inch, 4 inch (for 5s and later) are available (The design is different because the Dock shape is different).
iPhone X can not display screen size wallpaper exactly. Somehow it is stretched vertically. I am making wallpapers with positions calculated to fit perfectly without moving and scaling. If you tap "Perspective", the wallpaper will move, then tap "Still" will not return. If you move the wallpaper, cancel the setting and try again. Even if "Reduce Motion" is on, it will be stretched. Please turn "Reduce Motion" off when setting up. You can turn it on after setting.
Mostly, the iPhone Dock is brighter than the background. Especially when the background is dark, it becomes a vivid color and it is quite visible in the eyes. With this wallpaper, put black and gray behind the dock (a gradation, where the color of the whole Dock becomes even) and save the color. A black frame looks cool. However, if "Reduce Transparency" is on, the Dock will always be light gray.
On the other hand, the buttons on the Lock Screen got very dark on the contrary, so whitish behind.
Dock and folders turn white with a white background is only for iPhone X on iOS 11.3 and later. It prevents them from becoming gray by lowering the brightness with black in the four corners. In order to fix the wallpaper, you have to set it with "Still", but on other iPhones, it does not measure the brightness of the part not displayed if it is still image setting (why only X is measured, unknown). Also the color of buttons of Lock Screen can not be whiter.